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Ahead Tutorial & Review

Ahead FranchiseIn an exclusive one-on-one interview, AHEAD Learning Systems Founder and CEO Rossana Llenado talks to marketing guru Josiah Go about how AHEAD became the leading and most awarded tutorial and review center in the Philippines.
In the interview, Llenado shares AHEAD’s market-driving strategy and how the brand made tutorials popular among academic achievers. She says, “By focusing on achievers, we were able to change people’s mindsets and make them realize tutorials and review services are for those who want to be ahead in academics.”
We also see another side of Llenado as she talks about her role as a mother who always has the happiness of her children in mind. She says, “It isn’t just about academics for them, and it isn’t just about business for me. The well-being of my children is more important than what people might think about them. Luckily, they are the type of kids that every parent can be proud of. They are well rounded, and they have good hearts.”

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